
Wow, I haven’t updated in so long! I was doing pretty great this year, and through the summer. I started swimming and it was great.. I coached my son’s soccer team.

Around September/October I started feeling really lethargic and crappy a lot. Well, we found out why on Halloween, we are expecting a little boy!

I decided I really needed to get back on the wagon, but have been feeling pretty sick and had the flu for about 2 weeks. I havne’t worked out in about 4 weeks and have to get back to it.

I’ve decided to get back to the paleo way of eating, and back into swimming, spinning, dancing and anything else I can do.

I had gotten down to 265 before getting pregnant and I’m back to about 280.

So here we go!


Oops.. I have not updated in awhile..

Well, I’m back on track.. I really played around with the month of March, but we were very busy.. Had my son’s birthday, my birthday, my sister’s baby shower, and then we went on vacation.

My weight is 274, so only about 6 pounds since I last updated… but I’m getting back on track. I’d like to really lose another 15 by May 5, which is my friends Engagement Party, and I’d like to be able to get a new outfit. Though I haven’t lost a lot of pounds, I’ve definitely been losing inches still, and working out.

I’ve started doing some crossfit WOD’s on my own, not just with Van and Sara.

Monday was a 60 minute spin class (race day) and then the WOD, which was 225lb back squats and 1.5 pood kettlebells. I subbed 85lbs and did deadlifts and 25 pound kettlebells, took me about 11 minutes. My back was so tight!

Wednesday, I did a 45 minutes spin class, then 2k m row, which took I did in 10:06.

Thursday, I did a couch to 5k walk/run (Week 1, Day 2). I absolutely love the app, it is so cool, it tracks you by GPS, and you can see how far you ran, where and how fast/long you did it. I did a 14:50/mile and 2.02 miles in 30 minutes.

Friday, I did C25k (Week 1, Day 3) in 2.06 miles, and 14:32/mile.

I will be posting more often, have to keep it in mind, so I can keep track of my workouts!


I’m starting to see some big changes in myself, and it is so exciting.. My clothes are getting so loose, and my body is starting to change.. 280.5 this morning.. I think this weekend will be when I get into the 270’s.

Had a great workout with Van today.. we did “Jackie’s Evil Twin”

1000m row,

50 thrusters,

30 modified pullups

750 row

35 thrusters,

20 modified pullups

500 row

20 thrusters

10 modified pullups..

After that, I walked on the treadmill @ 3.2 for 70 minutes and went to happy hour yoga later in the evening.. I burned approximately 899 calories today. It was a pretty good day!

Great workout today

10 minutes on the treadmill, 45 minute spin class, and the WOD:

SUNDAY 120212

For time:
Row 2K
50 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 1K
35 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 500 meters
20 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball

Except I had it wrong and did:

Row 2k, 35 wall balls, 16 lbs

Row 1500, 30 wall ball, 16 lbs

Row 1k, 25 wall ball, 16 lbs.

= 770 calories.

Somebody that I used to know..

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I’ll admit that I was glad it was over

But you didn’t have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don’t even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough

Ridiculous people..

I can’t believe how ridiculous and immature people can be. Especially people ‘well advanced’ in their years. I also can’t believe how people would want others to fail, even as far as something like taking care of their health or losing weight. I’ve been upset or mad and wanted to cuss someone out, but I really hope the best for everyone around me. Though there has been times I felt like I ‘hated’ someone, I really don’t hate anyone..

Now, I have to be very careful about my time. I decided I won’t take any more lunch time, so that I’m not lied about at work. I just can’t believe it would come down to that.

I was SO happy this morning when I saw 281.5! 17.5 pounds lost since Jan 1. I feel fantastic. I’m so proud of how I’ve been able to not overeat or stress eat or eat out of boredom.

Tuesday, I went to a 90 minute yoga. It was amazing. I was able to “turn my dog” on my left side. Very exciting stuff! My calorie total was 1473.

Tonight, I went to spinning. I’m ending tonight’s calories at 1664.

Relaxing Weekend..

So I did hit 284 briefly.. but am up a pound to 285. Last Thursday, I did water aerobics, and on Friday, Sara and I met in the early morning  a workout with Van. We did our first Fran and Christine..  My times were Fran 5:45 and Christine: 13:39 (mostly step ups instead of straight box jumps.

Saturday and Sunday, I was very lazy. I was sick last week, and over the weekend, and I just was crampy and not feeling great. I didn’t have too much energy either, so I really took it easy.

I was so excited for today.. which was totally ruined.. I was very excited to start my swim class for triathlons today.. but it was ruined. My coworker was mad that I had left to go to the gym (????) and went to my supervisor to tell on me. She lied and told her I was gone for over 2.5 hours, but I wasn’t gone that long. So basically, I was told that we only really have 30 minutes for lunch. This puts a huge crimp in my workout plans. I normally go to the gym twice a week at lunch to get a spin class in or some extra cardio. So because of this.. I guess I can’t really work out at lunch.

What I think I WILL do is bring my stuff and at least jog or walk at lunch for 25 minutes. I’m bound and determined. I will NOT let someone make this so I can’t get my calorie burn in. I’ve got to try to get some exercise in in the morning too, but that is very difficult, because I have to feed the dogs/get Alex ready for the day. I will not let this ruin me or my plans or my hard work. I WILL SUCCEED.

January results

My final tally for January is……. 14.5 pounds down! 284.5.

I was SO happy and excited this morning. This 30 day challenge has just been awesome. I’ve been discovering so much about myself and my eating habits.. I can slowly see my relationship with food changing. Isn’t of just having a “fuckitall” attitude, and I’ll just start tomorrow, every single piece of food I put in my mouth, I’m thinking about it.

I really think that by cutting the sugar, my brain is able to actually THINK about things before I just stuff it into my mouth.. That is exactly how I’d react in the past.. It was like, Oh, there are cupcakes at the front desk, and all I would think about were those cupcakes sitting at the front desk. I’d feel compelled to just have one. Sometimes, I’d sit here and think, if I just wait 30 minutes they will be gone.. or think about how dirty some people are.. and sometimes that would help, but usually, I’d just have one because I “wanted it so bad”, and there is always tomorrow!

I am so thankful for the 30 day whole 9 group.. Its so encouraging to have all these people who are like minded and doing the same healthy activities and healthy eating..

Anyway, I am trying to remember to post my daily activity/weight and calorie intake, but I keep forgetting!

Reaching Goals.. (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

First of all, I was very happy this morning when I weighed in to be 9 pounds down: 290.  I listened to the people on my 30 day challenge group, and decided bananas had to go. I’ve been eating 1-3 a day.. and they just have too much sugar.

My goal for January was 6.6 pounds, and I’m down 9. Still have 5 more days to go.

Been reading a good article, and keeping it in the back of my mind:

Tuesday, my calories were 1502 and I did 30 minutes on the treadmill

Wednesday, my calories were 1595 and I did 2 45 minute spin classes (1 at lunch, 1 at 630).

I ended the day at 1502 and went to an hour of water aerobics.

Tomorrow, Sara and I will see Van, and then I’m going to happy hour yoga!

Clothes are feeling loose!

Sunday and Monday..


Well, after my little fiasco at the baby shower, I was up FOUR pounds Sunday morning. ARGH. I cannot handle grains or wheat at ALL. I ended up going to a 60 minute spin class and walked for about 10 minutes afterward. I ended the day at 1546 calories consumed.



I was back down a pound, so only 3 pounds gained since Saturday. It just is not worth it for me to cheat. Anyway, feeling pretty great today.. Did 20 minutes on the arc trainer (level 5) and 5 minutes of rowing at lunch, then 60 minute spin after work (20 miles). Ended at 1440 calories today.

Made a delicious dinner of ribeye, roasted carrots, sauteed brussel sprouts, mushrooms and onions and a little avocado salad. Yum.